Minimum Wage
The provisions of Article 112 of the Labour Law ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 24/2005, 61/2005, 54/2009, 32/2013, 75/2014, 13/2017 - decision of the CC, 113/2017 and 95/2018 - authentic interpretation) laid down the competence of the Social and Economic Council of the Republic of Serbia to determine the amount of the minimum price of labour per working hour without taxes and contributions, for a calendar year, no later than 15 September of the current year, to be applicable from 01 January next year. If the Social and Economic Council does not make a decision within 15 days from the day of the start of negotiations, the decision on the amount of the minimum price of labour shall be made by the Government of the Republic of Serbia within the next 15 days.

The minimum cost of labour has been determined on the basis of the existential and social needs of employees and their families expressed through the value of the minimum consumer basket, the employment rate on the labour market, the GDP growth rate, fluctuations of consumer goods prices, productivity rates and average income rates in the Republic of Serbia.

of the Minimum Cost of Labour

January - December 2025 308.00 rsd per working hour without taxes and contributions
    The Decision of the Social and Economic Council of the Republic of Serbia No. 254/2024, published in the "Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia" No. 74 dated September 4, 2024

January - December 2024 271,00 rsd per working hour without taxes and contributions
    The Decision of the Government of Serbia, 05 No. 120-8243/2023, published in the "Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia", No. 79 dated September 15. 2023

January - December 2023 230,00 rsd per working hour without taxes and contributions
    The Decision of the Government of Serbia, 05 No. 120-7199/2022, published in the "Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia", No. 105 dated September 14. 2022

January - December 2022 201,22 rsd per working hour without taxes and contributions
The Decision of the Government of Serbia, 05 No. 120-8173/2021, published in the "Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia", No. 87 dated September 10. 2021

January - December 2021 183,93 rsd per working hour without taxes and contributions
    The Decision of the Government of Serbia, 05 No. 120-7214/2020, published in the "Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia", No. 116 dated September 14. 2020.

January - December 2020
172,54 rsd
per working hour without taxes and contributions
The Decision of the Government of Serbia, 05 No. 120-9063/2019-1, published in the "Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia", No. 65 dated September 13. 2019.

January - December 2019
155,30 rsd
per working hour without taxes and contributions
The Decision of the Government of Serbia, 05 No. 120-8569/2018, published in the "Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia", No.69 dated September 14. 2018.

January - December 2018 143,00 rsd per working hour without taxes and contributions
    The Decision of the Social and Economic Council of the Republic of Serbia No. 179/2017, published in the "Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia" No. 88 dated September 29, 2017.

January - December 2017 130,00 rsd "Net" per working hour..
    The Decision of the Government of Serbia, 05 No. 120-8452/2016, published in the "Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia" No. 77 dated September 14. 2016. godine.

January - December 2016
121,00 rsd
"Net" per working hour.
The Decision of the Government of Serbia,published in the "Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia" No. 79/2015.

January - December 2015
121,00 rsd
"Net" per working hour.
The Decision of the Government of Serbia, 05 No. 121-10648/2014-1, published in the "Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia" No.104, dated October 1. 2014.

January - December 2014
115,00 rsd
"Net" per working hour.
The Decision of the Government of Serbia, 05 No. 120-7755/2014, published in the "Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia" No.74 dated July 18. 2014.

January - Jun 2014
115,00 rsd
"Net" per working hour.
The Decision of the Government of Serbia, 05 No. 120-1728/2014-1, published in the "Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia" No.24 dated February 28. 2014.

March - December 2013
115,00 rsd
"Net" per working hour.
The Decision of the Government of Serbia, 05 No. 120-2805/2013, published in the "Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia" No. 31 dated April 5. 2013.

April 2012 - February 2013
115,00 rsd
"Net" per working hour.
January - March 2012
102,00 rsd
"Net" per working hour.
The Decision of the Social and Economic Council of the Republic of Serbia No.57/2012, published in the "Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia" No.22, dated March 23. 2012.

Jun - December 2011
102,00 rsd
"Net" per working hour.
January - May 2011
95,00 rsd
"Net" per working hour.
The Decision of the Social and Economic Council of the Republic of Serbia No. 95/2011, published in the "Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia" No.35, dated May 24. 2011.

November - December 2010
95,00 rsd
"Net" per working hour.
July - October 2010
90,00 rsd
"Net" per working hour.
The Decision of the Government of Serbia, 05 No. 120-7549/2010-2, published in the "Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia" No. 89, dated November 29. 2010.

January - Jun 2010
90,00 rsd
"Net" per working hour.
The Decision of the Government of Serbia, 05 No. 120-2669/2010, published in the "Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia" No.23 dated April 14. 2010.

July - December 2009
87,00 rsd
"Net" per working hour.
The Decision of the Government of Serbia, 05 No. 12 - 5260/2009, published in the "Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia" No. 70, dated August 27. 2009.

January - Jun 2009
87,00 rsd
"Net" per working hour.
The Decision published in the "Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia" No. 8/09 dated February 3. 2009.

July - December 2008 78,00 rsd per working hour.
    The Decision published in the "Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia" No 84/08 dated September 12.. 2008.

January - Jun 2008
70,00 rsd
per working hour.
The Decision published in the "Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia" No 11/08 dated January 31. .2008.

July - December 2007
63,50 rsd
per working hour.
The Decision published in the "Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia" No 64/07 dated July 13. .2007.

January - Jun 2007
55,00 rsd
per working hour.
The Decision published in the "Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia" No 09/07 dated January 25. .2007.

July - December 2006
49,00 rsd
per working hour.
The Decision published in the "Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia" No 58/06 dated July 7. 2006.

January - Jun 2006
46,00 rsd
per working hour.
The Decision published in the "Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia" No 11/06 dated February 7. 2006.

July - December 2005
41,00 rsd
per working hour.
The Decision published in the "Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia" No 58/05 dated July 8.2005.

The minimum wage in the period before the establishment and start of work of the Social and Economic Council according
to the Law on the Social and Economic Council of the Republic of Serbia

The Labour Law ("Official Gazette of RS" No. 24/2005, 61/2005, 54/2009, 32/2013, 75/2014, 13/2017 - decision of the Constitutional Court, 113/2017 and 95/2018 - authentic interpretation), which was in force in the period from 21.12.2001 to 23.03.2005, stipulated that the minimum wage must be determined by agreement between the Government of the Republic of Serbia, a representative trade union and a representative association of employers, organized for the territory of the Republic of Serbia, in accordance with the law.

To that effect, the Government of the Republic of Serbia, the Serbian Association of Employers and trade unions: The United Branch Trade Unions "Nezavisnost" and the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions of Serbia determined the minimum wage by the following agreements:

l for the period January-June 2005 in the amount of 38.50 dinars per working hour, which the employee brings home, increased by the personal income tax on salaries and the contributions paid by the employee from the salary, in accordance with the law ("Official Gazette of RS" No.10/2005);
l for the period July-December 2004 in the amount of 35.00 dinars per working hour, which the employee brings home, increased by the personal income tax on salaries and the contribution paid by the employee from the salary, in accordance with the law ("Official Gazette of RS" No. 80/2004);
l for the period January-June 2004 in the amount of 31.00 dinars per working hour, which the employee brings home, increased by personal income tax on salaries and the contribution to the lowest bases paid by the employee, in accordance with the law ("Official Gazette of RS" No. 10/2004);
l for the period July-December 2003 in the amount of 27.00 dinars per working hour, which the employee brings home, increased by personal income tax on salaries and the contribution to the lowest bases paid by the employee, in accordance with the law ("Official Gazette of RS" No. 75/2003);
l for the period January-June 2003 in the amount of 25.00 dinars per working hour, which the employee brings home, increased by the personal income tax on salaries and the contribution to the lowest bases paid by the employee, in accordance with the law ("Official Gazette of RS" No. 3/2003);
l for the period July-December 2002 in the amount of 22.50 dinars per working hour, which the employee brings home, increased by the personal income tax on salaries and contribution to the lowest bases paid by the employee, in accordance with the law ("Official Gazette of RS" No. 41/2002);
l for the period January-June 2002 in the amount of 18.46 dinars per working hour, which the employee brings home, increased by the personal income tax on salaries and contribution to the lowest bases paid by the employee from the salary, in accordance with the law ("Official Gazette of RS" No. 5/2002);

In the period of application of the Law on Labour Relations ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 55/96, 28/2001 and 43/2001 - other law), from 08.01.1997 to 21.12.2001, the minimum wage was set at "35% of the average wage in the economy of the Republic, according to the latest published data of the republican authority responsible for statistics."

Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Policy

Confederation of Autonomous Trade Unions of Serbia

Trade Union Confederation "Nezavisnost"